Photographer Andy Berriman
Photographer Andy Berriman
Photographer Andy Berriman

ODDMANOUT is a new writing theatre company rooted in Darlington. Darlington Hippodrome, Creative Darlington and Arts Council England helped them pilot The Foundry training programme. Activity ensued, and a year of training with Scott Young, Katy Weir, and a range of professional artists was undertaken. Around 75 people participated in this.

What did people get from the Foundry? Well in the words of three of those who took part:

‘I cannot even begin to tell you just how much I have learnt as part of a team with The Foundry. The course is filled with various choices and aims to help you grow as a performer. I have developed skills that were not around when I was young as an actor and can’t thank both Katy and Scott for all their incredible support and passion for each and every one of us’.

‘The Foundry has been and is a wonderful experience it has helped me hugely with confidence and trying things I probably never would have done or perhaps not with as much confidence and energy before hand.
There are so many different things to try and with all the different techniques you work through it really shines a light on your own acting skills and gives you new tools to use. Katy and Scott have been brilliant and the whole group have been so wonderful and extremely supportive of each other. Fabulous experience’.  

‘The Foundry has given me the support and encouragement to try new things and feel confident to do so. The group have become a company who believe in each other, support each other and want all to take risks and aim high. Katy and Scott have challenged us to develop beyond where we thought possible and have done so in a fun way. I personally run to the group on a Tuesday as it gives me an enormous sense of well-being and belonging’.