A call out for participants to have a go at sending messages around the town using semaphore. We will quickly, either individually or in pairs, or in groups, devise a short phrase for you to send using a signaling flag system to others in the town who are a distance away and will translate. This is a fun and accessible activity, it will all be filmed in many different locations and we hope will feature the town to a worldwide audience when distributed online. Anton Hecht’s channel has 2 million views alone. The flags are specially made and represent aspects of Darlington’s heritage. So if you, your business, your friends or group want to take part in this work, want to have a go at using semaphore, please get in touch with Anton Hecht at antnhec@gmail.com . Filming on the day should take approximately fifteen minutes and is expected to take place during the day on Friday 29th October 2021.
Darlington Borough Council and/or Creative Darlington have supported several programmes devised by Anton Hecht, including the Trolley Dance in the Market Square a Stop Start Tango inside Darlington Market, a Sign Language Duel during the Festival of Ingenuity and Slime Tango in the Market Square and Sign Language duels, with many works shared online and some featured in film festivals thereafter. If you want to explore Semaphore as Metaphor in a particular location the first step is getting in touch with Anton to find out more. We hope you enjoy it if you take part.