Business Durham are kindly hosting Changing Relations’ next Demystifying Domestic Abuse Workplace Training taster day at Salvus House in Durham and they’d love to see you there.

WHEN – 9.30-4.30, Thursday 27th June


RECEIVE – lunch courtesy of Business Durham, as well as 2 of Changing Relations beautiful informational resource books to take away!


As business leaders and managers, there are always so many issues to prioritise.

If you have not received disclosures of staff affected by domestic abuse, it’s tempting to think it isn’t happening to those in your teams.

The likelihood, however, is that, as domestic abuse has been treated as a private matter for so long, until your business proactively brings domestic abuse into the open, your staff won’t feel confident enough to mention it.

But, if 1 in 3 women and 1 in 7 men are affected by domestic abuse in their lifetime, this issue will be impacting your workplace in a range of ways, from:

  • Days of work missed
  • Productivity affected
  • Stalking and surveillance of employees whilst they are at your workplace
  • Employees leaving the workplace altogether and all the costs of recruitment, induction, teams being short-staffed this incurs

Could you get more from your staff by creating a more open and supportive workplace environment?

Past training participants have said:

“Gave me more confidence to have those conversations.”

“Broadened the context in which I understand domestic abuse”

“Films were very powerful, backed up by quality resources”

“I found the interactive session very engaging. Can’t wait to share my experience and new knowledge.”

“Changing Relations training format is very different to what you might be used to – they use arts and media as a conduit for deep and meaningful reflections without invading anyone’s privacy.”

If you would prefer to receive an invoice rather than sign up via Eventbrite, just email and let them know how many places you would like to book.

Further information on Changing Relations Training is available on Linked In –